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鸳鸯江(Drake River)

    2009-11-09 08:46    作者:    来源:

?? 鸳鸯江即桂江、浔江(西江上游)汇合后,桂江的清水与西江的浊流同时流动,一浊一清、一急一缓,泾渭分明,俗称鸳鸯江。

??? 鸳鸯江景色秀美,放眼望去,只见西江浩淼,水流滔滔;桂江碧绿、波光粼粼。

??? 两水交汇处,恰似戏水鸳鸯,相互依偎,相互拥抱,长相厮守,难舍难分。

??? 相传宋代大诗人苏东坡当年获赦路经365体育官网,适逢中秋之夜,泛舟于鸳鸯江,面对清浊江水不禁思绪万千,吟诗赞道:"我爱清流频击楫,鸳鸯秀水世无双。"


????Drake River

????The Drake River means the waters at the confluence of three rivers,namely, Guijiang River, Xunjiang River and West River, in which the clear Guijiang water mingles with the turbid main stream, and suggests the conjunction of the dark and the light, female and male elements exhibited

????so happily by the duck and the drake. Yuan Jiang Chun Fan (or wonderful water sights of the Drake River in spring) has been listed in the first place on Wuzhou's Great Eight Attractions since the Ming Dynasty.


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